Final update before our return
Ok I'm going to do my best to completely update here otherwise we will be home and you won't have heard all the exciting stories and I will forget some of the amazing details.
Friday was a long one. Up super early to get to a school where we spent time with kids, chatted shared our stories and ministered praying for kids and encouraging them in their walk. From there we went straight over to a primary school, (Piets childrens old school actually) where we met up with the Year for Christ team (a group of young adults who have come together to give a year after they graduate to just serve the Lord) who work in the school. Their team kicked things off with a skit and a lesson. Then we followed with Sarah leading the kids in a song and then performing for them ourselves. The morning wasn't over yet it was time for one of my favorite activities of every trip... SURFING! The locals think we are nuts but we hit the waves. There was some apprehension among many of the students as the ocean can be intimidating but I was super proud of them as they faced their fears and ended up with an awesome experience! After the surf we grabbed a quick lunch and were off to our third school of the day. We met with the Christian club and had great times with so e burgeoning leaders. After we rested for a few hours but our day was far from over as it was now time for what we had been waiting for all week the Epic Youth bash at the church. 130 youth from 10 local churches joined to worship Jesus and I was able to share a message about giving everything you have to God even in your youth. It was a powerful night and so great to see lives impacted as the Holy Spirit works in their lives.
Saturday we slept in a bit to catch some rest. Then spent the day touring the city going to a market in Stellenbosh before taking a tour of one of the biggest townships in the country Khaylitsha. It was interesting to see the brighter side of the township as our guide was quite focused on showing the great things developing in the community despite the abject poverty that 90% of the people live in. We visited a soup kitchen where some youngsters put on a show, went to a market where some local trades people were selling their wares and an awesome drumming band was playing. We went to a soccer field and played some local guys in a game. We tied but I think they may have taken it light on us :-p We ended the tour with a stop at a hole in the wall restaurant in the township that served some of the best chicken wings and wors that I have ever tasted. It was a feast fit for kings I tell ya.
Sunday we were at the church. We went to which ever service our host parents went to and then all met after for a braai at one of the host parents homes. An afternoon nap was in order after stuffing ourselves with great food again. In the evening the church had a Holy Spirit service where we went and just worshipped and were ministered to. It was a great opportunity to just spend some time enjoying His presence.
Monday we were back at it. After some frustrating car issues we made it to Parrow Christian school to meet some great friends. I have come to this school and the youth group for the church attached to it each time I have been here and am always so blessed by the time I spend there. We went in small groups and chatted and prayed. The afternoon was a heart breaker as we toured Agape houses these are homes for unwanted children. Often with severe birth defects these are the most marginalized children you can meet. After touring the facility we spent time just playing with these kids that are so desperate for some attention. He staff here do so well at loving these kids it's amazing to see their hearts. At night we were back at the boys/girls school where we led cell groups for the kids that stay on campus during the week.
Tuesday we started at a township school spending time with some great kids who were super excited to hear our stories. Jade had a bit of a dance off with one of the students. Was a lot of fun. And some great connections made. From there we went to a seniors home in the same township, we prayed and spent time with them showing them Christs love and affection. We all had our hearts moved by the joy they showed at our being there. In the afternoon we went to Boys Town a youth detention centre where we just hung out with them during some free time, did some small groups where they could ask us questions but mostly we played some games and hung out and had a lot of fun. In the evening we were supposed to do cell groups at the Boys/girls schools again but the guys got cancelled due to some tests so while the girls went to the schools we went and bought soup to give to some homeless that our friend Treasure had met the previous week. Was super random, not part of the plan, but super awesome. I liked it most because it wasn't something Piet planned it was just something that was put on T's heart while we were doing a mini bible study here in the flat. That's how ministry should be more often, God speaks we listen.
Today is a day to catch up before we leave. We have had to postpone a few things due to the weather so hoping it can be done today. As tomorrow we go on Safari and Friday we leave. Wow. Can't believe how fast it's gone. Please pray for us as we close our time. Want to finish strong and get home safe. See you all soon!
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