A quick update

My update continued

Wednesday was back at schools hitting up 2 of them chatting in classrooms and to Christian clubs. We always get a fabulous response the kids we chat with are so great there is such an underlying hunger to know more and our feedback from the teachers is encouraging too as they are excited by the impact we are able to have as encouragers. Wednesday afternoon we again went for some small group time with the all boys/girls schools. Later that night we returned to Piet and Ilsa's home where we joined their life group (bible study). They have a good 30 or so young adults that attend life group so I felt right at home in a cramped living room. (made me mss my Monday night crew) the conversations were great and I really like how they link their life group teaching to what is being preached on Sundays.

Thursday was a challenge, lol to say the least, as they needed me to drive :-p But I did it and all survived as we travelled the streets of Capetown and never once did I veer into oncoming traffic to drive on the Canadian side of the road. It actually was a fabulous day. We started it by visiting an orphanage, the girls always love this one the most. After we travelled into the main city and got to meet with an MP and tour their parliament. It was so cool to walk the halls and see the places Nelson Mandella stood and worked to change a nation and in some respects the world. We had lunch at the waterfront which is a beautiful and trendy part of Capetown that should not be missed by any traveller. After lunch we spent time in the waterfront's markets picking up trinkets for loved ones back home. On our way back to Somerset West we stopped at Bright Lights, a boys group home. We toured the facility and then spent some time with the young men, doing a skit for them and then they busted out some dance moves for us. We shared some candy we had which the little ones especially loved. We then returned home for supper at Piets and spent time as a team before heading to bed.

I realize this isn't a full update but have to jet. Sunday night service is about to start. The focus is on the Holy Spirit tonight. Please pray for us as we pray for the Holy Spirit in people's and our lives.


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