Final update before our return
Ok I'm going to do my best to completely update here otherwise we will be home and you won't have heard all the exciting stories and I will forget some of the amazing details. Friday was a long one. Up super early to get to a school where we spent time with kids, chatted shared our stories and ministered praying for kids and encouraging them in their walk. From there we went straight over to a primary school, (Piets childrens old school actually) where we met up with the Year for Christ team (a group of young adults who have come together to give a year after they graduate to just serve the Lord) who work in the school. Their team kicked things off with a skit and a lesson. Then we followed with Sarah leading the kids in a song and then performing for them ourselves. The morning wasn't over yet it was time for one of my favorite activities of every trip... SURFING! The locals think we are nuts but we hit the waves. There was some apprehension among many of the student...