
Showing posts from September, 2012

Stadium Critics - Do you really care?

Earlier this week, there were more announcements regarding plans for the new stadium that is to be built here in Regina. This news has not come with out a touch of controversy. Since the idea of a new stadium initially went public it has had with it its share of very passionate proponents and critics alike. Truth be told I am fairly neutral in this whole stadium debate. Don't get me wrong I love the Riders as much, often more than the next guy and as a season ticket holder I am super pumped about this new facility. I also believe that it will bring some much needed revitalization to the north central area. But I also don't disagree that we need to be doing more to help those who need it in our community and personally to be honest I really like Taylor Field I will miss it when its gone as it's a major source...

What were your New Years resolutions?

Hello hello! Hope this post finds you well. At the start or the year I posted that I had set certain goals for myself this year and as an act of accountability with just over 100 days left in 2012 I figured I would update how I am doing. And so here WERE my goals for 2012: Physical  - 160 lbs - ok so I realize I am not what most would consider fat but as I near closer and closer to the 180 mark I realize that I need to pay closer attention to my weight and health in general.   I am getting closer and closer to reaching this goal. As of this morning I was hitting the scales at 164 lbs. As I am nearing this goal I have added a personal goal of recovering my abs in the process. Cant wait to look down and see a flat stomach as opposed to my somewhat round prior shape. I owe a lot of credit for this accomplishment to Zija, a natural health supplement I got involved with a few months ago. Since starting it I have felt great and have a tonne more energy to burn! ...