If it ain't broke don't fix it! ...but what if you aren't aware that it's broke. They say knowledge is power, and I would agree 100% in my bible God warns in Hosea 4: 6 " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." I think this is one of the biggest problems we face in our financial lives. Too many people are intimidated by finances so they just try and ignore them. The overwhelming amount of get rich quick strategy's and underwhelming amount of solid stewardship training that exist creates a intellectual vacuum and so people simply run a budget of, if there is money in the account spend it and if not use the credit card. I realize that's an over simplification but it unfortunately not far off. And that right there is my biggest motivation in life right now, empower people with financial knowledge so that they dont get their financial education from the school of hard-knocks. I personally have made enough mistakes and learned enough lesson...
Hello Friends and Family!!! Most of you are aware by now that I have a love of adventure and a desire to change the world! I am horrible however at documenting the crazy adventures I get myself into and so I have resurrected my old blog as a means to journal my various musings and process all the experiences that I am so blessed to have. It also gives me a chance to share these thoughts and stories with the world. So stay tuned and subscribe to email list because tomorrow morning my latest adventure begins. 10am my flight takes off overseas to work at a refugee camp in Greece for the next month, followed by another month of making my way home with stops in Istanbul, Penang, and Bangkok along the way! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I go. I know God has a plan for this and I cannot wait to see how it all plays out. Till next time D
Ok so I was torn on wether to post this, but in the end I decided to because I want to be straight up on the process of getting out of debt and that includes the frustrations and growing pains as I go along. Hopefully you can take something out of my whining :-P In the short couple of months that I have been focused on getting out of debt I have got to say this is one of the TOUGHEST things I have ever done. Never in my life have I lived on this tight of a budget, somedays there is a place in side of me absolutely screaming "THIS IS KILLING ME!!!" Which I suppose, I realize as I write this is the entire point. I am trying to get rid of the part of me that values feeling rich over true financial stability. I am however somewhat shocked at how deeply entrenched this consumption addiction runs though. I walked into Costco the other day because I needed to pick up a small gift for a Christmas party and walked out with the inexpensive gift I had planned but also the Lord o...
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